If you’ve been following along from my first blog, you’ll know that we keep honey bees on our property and take care of them with my dad (who is the real expert). We started about two years ago and grew from 2 hives to 3 hives and hopefully 4 come spring. It has been the most terrific experience, a decent amount of work, and yes it is expensive at first, but worth it.

Though we only have three hives, they produced a glorious amount of honey this year, and we’re beyond thrilled.

I quickly put something together to sell our backyard honey. My sole purpose in selling our honey is to support our honey bees – we hope to expand into a fourth hive this spring, so anything we sell goes right back into saving our bees, and supporting an endangered species, something we are very passionate about.

We also give back a portion of our proceeds to Vets for Beekeeping, which is part of a program that my dad (who is a retired vet) was educated in beekeeping through.

Our honey is 100% pure, local and raw wildflower honey – no mixing, no diluting and absolutely no heating.

Thanks for letting me bug you (get it?) and if you happen to love honey or know anyone that does (pretty awesome Valentine’s Day gift, no?) consider a jar from us! 🙂