This has been a very hot summer, but luckily there has been enough rain to keep everything lush enough…not bug free. I have had more Japanese and Green June beetles then I’ve ever had before.

I plan to take measures this fall to hopefully make next year better. I am going to start with nematodes – I know they take time to get to work, but anything would be helpful at this point. I should have been doing it all along, but the problem was always manageable, except for this season. Blergh.

Summer is mostly hydrangea time around my garden. I have always loved hydrangea’s and have planted a lot in mixed varieties. They make me so happy, and even though I don’t have the ph to sustain those glorious blue and purple shades, I have grown to appreciate the pink shades, but my favorite will always be the white and greens.

By the end of August most of my hydrangeas will be falling back to sleep with a few new blooms for September. I will start fall planting and winter preparation in the next month and say goodbye until early spring. A familiar cycle that has become my daily comfort.

In a newsletter I received recently, there was a quote from a customer that said, The most important thing I’ve learned is that gardening is about the doing: the digging and weeding and watering. I may plan and plot and dream but when it comes right down to it, I garden to garden. It really stuck with me because it’s true, we garden to garden. It is an endless amount of work, with more lows than highs — but the highs are so rewarding that we continue doing.

A mighty storm passed through and knocked a lot of my hydrangeas to the ground which was frustrating…but now I have large glorious bouquets falling at my feet begging to be photographed.

Almost there…

This color was not enhanced…I had to actually tone it down.

That beautiful yellow light that follows a storm…

I think Phlox are terribly underrated, one of my garden favorites.

Blueberries from the garden and a blueberry loving girl.